09 July 2006

Martyrdom of the BAB

Today is one of the holydays of the Baha'is. We get together today to remember the day of Bab's martyrdom.

I remember last year, I was in Haifa still serving, but on this day i was really sick and couldn't go to the Holyday program, but I could hear the readings from my room. I opened my window and started looking at the Shrine, it was dark and Shrine was sparkling like a beautiful lady with all its elegance. I was sad not to be with friends at that time but felt really lucky to be able to see that wonderful view from my room. My friends were always jealous with me, cause it was the best room in BWC with its view. If anyone knows the Baha'i flats in there, it was the one in Bracha abbas 14 (security flat).

Today my sister and my niece came from Sydney, we picked them up from the airport and went to the holyday gathering. They had already started, we quietly snicked in and started listening the program. They were reading how the incident happened. It is sad to hear how the creatures of God treated His Messenger. So unbelievable! Every single Messenger in this world had the similar kind of treatment from mankind.

I was trying to imagine that day. Whenever I hear how Anis was detached from everything but attached to the Bab, I get so emotional. I always wish to have same kind of spirituality.He is gifted because of his love to the Faith and he chose to go to the Abha Kingdom with his Glory. Now when we go to the Shrine of the Bab, we also visit him. Anis had to be placed with the Bab, because after the marthydom his body was sticked together with the Bab and was impossible to seperate them. Such a great blessing he had...
*Tabris square, where the Bab was martyred

Have you ever realised the trees around the Shrine of the Bab? If you haven't next time of your visit, or if youhaven't visited the Holy Land yet try to see the trees that i am going to talk about now. And remember the story above. When you come out of the Shrine of the Bab that part of garden has these beatiful trees around and especially in May they have these beautiful flowers on them with every colour. But the two of those trees are special, because there is a story i have heard from one of the gardeners about those trees. Gardener told me that it is usually impossible for trees to live together and these 2 trees they are huging eachother , one has dark pink colour and the other one has leilac colour flowers on them. What the knowledge of the gardener about these type of trees was that they usualy kill eachother to live and usually one stands and other one dies or they both die. But they are alive and every year give their beautiful flower and they always hug eahcother. Well they actually represent The Bab and Anis, yes this is true and they are right next to the Shrine. When i first saw them, and heard the story I was like 'Yes this is it!'.

Hmmm may be I am a bit emotional when it comes to the Faith and to the stories like this. But it was standing right infront of me and eventhough it is just a coincidence i love the way those trees stand next to the Shrine.

How I love Thee and thank Thee for everything! May my life be sacrifised for Thee! May my soul be offered up for Thy sake!

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